Virtual Island Summit 2020
DR Ambassador - The 2020 edition of the Virtual Island Summit will focus on the theme, ‘Sharing knowledge for resilient, sustainable and prosperous islands worldwide’.
Talks, Radio, TV, workshops, or other events
DR Ambassador - The 2020 edition of the Virtual Island Summit will focus on the theme, ‘Sharing knowledge for resilient, sustainable and prosperous islands worldwide’.
TALK - Prioritizing Resilience: Solutions for Developing Critical Grid Reliability | Priorizar la resiliencia: soluciones para incrementar confiabilidad de la red After years of inertia, the utility scale clean energy market has taken off and a number of high profile win and solar projects have been financed and constructed. The nationally mandated goal of 25% clean energy by 2020 is within reach. In 2018, the Ministry of Energy & Mines announced that the next phase of renewable concessions would be awarded as part of a bid process.