Smart Cities Seminar

July 16, 2021


Seminar series on Smart Cities, where we had the honor to have professionals and academics from across the region. The event focused on several topics regarding the importance of technology and innovation in the future of cities, and where we presented a panel on microgrids with experts from academia in the region


July 16 – 17, 2021


12:00 AM


Santiago, Dominican Republic


IEEE Dominicana together with the Student Committee of the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra and Island Innovation had the honor of presenting a series of talks related to SmartCities.

The concept of “Smart Cities” is basically driven by the need to improve the quality of life of citizens with the help of technology. Knowing that 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050, it is timely for any nation to encourage capacity building, innovation and adaptation of the technologies, techniques and tools that are at the center of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

We hadthe honor of having professionals from the industry and academia who will be talking to us about:

+MachineLearning Applications: The Role of ML in Smart Cities – 📊Guillem Duran Ballester – Fragile Tech +GemelosDigitales – Exploring applications and opportunities Benjamin Weber – Stor Water +Urban Refrigeration Networks – Eduardo Sagredo -TERMOSAG +Urban Small Wind Energy – Potential, challenges and future – Alexander Vallejo-Díaz – Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo +Hyperconnected Cities – How the #InternetdelasCosas (IoT) is creating new opportunities – Dr. Gustavo Valverde – University of Costa Rica #Renewable Generation Microgrids in low voltage networks – Dr. Félix Santos García – Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo

Posted on:
July 16, 2021
1 minute read, 213 words
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